Most people in this part of the world are much shorter and thinner than I am. Surprise! Surprise! So, I kind of feel like a giant and a bit of a freak. This has been fed into by little things such as not being able to buy batik off the shelf because they don't carry my size and frequently getting stopped by someone to have my photo taken with them because I look so different than they do.
This morning I rode in a pedicab for a parade and there were two thoughts going through my head. I'm too big to share the pedicab with another rider and I hope the guy driving the pedicab isn't dying due to the weight of having to push me.
My CSC team is pretty fit, too. We have a few people who are very athletic and fit and many others who are of average to thin size. I don't feel like I fit in. There was a time when I did, but that has been years ago. This comes to mind when we go out as a group. I feel self-conscious because I have to think about where I'm sitting and if it will leave enough room for someone else. Or wonder if people are slowing down because they have to wait for me.
There are truly dozens of thoughts looping through my head most of every day taking my energy away from more important things because I am so obsessed with my body.
There are a few things for me to admit and remember. I know I am overweight and need to lose quite a few pounds; I know I could be in better shape and need to be more disciplined with working out; I know if I drank less beer and more water I would lose weight more easily. Also, I have to remind myself that some of my meds cause me to gain weight and make it difficult to lose weight; I am an overweight athlete - meaning I can do endurance sports even though I am obese.

Experiencing today has given me some new found strength and self-love that I've been missing for the last couple of weeks. I still don't plan on the nine hour hike next weekend, but I will still be happy in my own skin regardless of what I look like.
Let me add two very important thimgs: I'm having an amazing time and my new CSC family is wonderful.
As always your vulnerability to express your thoughts is refreshing to me. You are fearfully and wonderfully made my friend.
We are who we are and thankfully, we are more than our physical self. I, too, need to lose some weight and often have these same thoughts. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteJen - DeColores!
I can't recall if I have ever shared this with you or not - this is one of my favorite tri sites, specifically because it's so inclusive and celebrates accomplishments, not shapes / sizes! Way to kill those 2000 steps!
Actually, I already read swimbikemom and am a member of the Facebook group Best Tri Club Ever. Love them both. Thanks for making sure I knew about the blog.