Our entire
team was invited, as guests of the hotel, to a dinner of kembul bujono, a
traditional Javanese dining style. The table was beautifully set and filled
with many bowls of a variety of Javanese dishes. Before we ate there were a few
words of appreciation from several people - the IBM Indonesia Corporate Citizenship manager, the IBM Asia-Pacific Corporate Service director, the general manager of the hotel, the Prime Minister of Surakarta
and another manager of the hotel. The manager of the hotel said it would be nice to hear from one of the CSC team members about our stay…then, without much hesitation he called on me. I spoke for a couple of minutes and hope I did justice to summarize our stay, our joy and our gratefulness to everyone at the hotel.
The food was
glorious. Unfortunately, I wasn’t that hungry. I mostly ate rice covered in a
coconut soup. You can’t go wrong with that! Following the meal we were
entertained by a traditional Javanese dance and that was followed by a cold
coconut water palate cleanser.
After the
wonderful meal from the hotel we were treated to another special tradition by
Aban and Ibad, two of my CSC teammates. They had made arrangements with the
hotel to be able to make traditional chai at the pool bar. So, we all went to
sit there and visited for a little while before the chai was ready. It was a
little different than what I know chai to be, but that was not surprising.
American chai is much sweeter than traditional chai. It was quite tasty. We
stayed at the pool bar for quite some time before I headed to my room for the
Tomorrow is
a big day…stay tuned!
What an amazing experience this whole trip has been!