While browsing around the internet this morning I decided to revisit my neglected blog. It's got some good memories - especially of my six weeks in Indonesia. My last post was from August 2020 and I believe my intent was to blog throughout the pandemic to have a record of how that unfolded. That didn't happen. We are now (as of this week) officially out of the global pandemic - although Covid is still around and likely always will be. However, life is pretty much back to normal with a few smart changes to how society interacts with each other to try to remain a little less germ-y.
One month from tomorrow I'm having total knee replacement surgery of my right knee. I'm going to be off work for approximately 4-6 weeks and maybe even longer. With this in my future it seems like a good time to start, again, with trying to keep a fairly timely record of my doings and my thoughts about what is happening in the world.
Today I'm just saying hello. It's good to be back.
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