Saturday, September 22, 2018

A Lot to Cover

I knew it had been awhile since I'd written anything, but I didn't realize it had been since May. A lot has happened since then.

I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee in late June. It went well and there wasn't as much damage to the knee as I was concerned there might be. My meniscus is in great condition. As the doctor explained to my husband he did a lot of "lawn mowing" on my cartilage. I took a week off of work to rest and heal. My one week follow-up appointment essentially got me released. The doctor's assistant who saw me said I could pretty much do anything I wanted to do and just let pain be my guide. That excited me - although I couldn't imagine anyone in my condition at that time doing much of anything. However, I got in the pool pretty straight away and for two days swam 1000 yards. On day three I realized that was too much and took it down to half of that.

Early August I saw my orthopedic surgeon for my final release - which I was given. However, he instructed me quite differently than his assistant had. Essentially I was told that swimming was great; eventually, I could start working out on a stationary bike; and before I begin running in the spring I needed to lose weight (no surprise there, but it was the first time I've been told that by a doctor). Besides swimming, I've done water aerobics a couple of times at the encouragement of my sister. I haven't been too impressed with the water aerobics, but it sounds like my sister's instructors are much more challenging than mine.

After quite a bit of research I joined Weight Watchers. The program is really user friendly and it comes with a phone app to input your points for the day. Plus, it keeps track of my activity registered from my Garmin. I've lost about two pounds per week - which is what the experts say is healthy. I fell off the wagon for one week while I was traveling for work, but got right back on as soon as I got home.

I had minor back surgery to remove a large lipoma. It was an in office procedure and the whole thing took about 35 minutes. They put in some dissolvable stitches and covered those with some sort of glue. I was able to resume normal activity the next day. However, I was definitely sore and have yet to go back in the water. I expect to start up again on Monday.

Today was a great day. I walked the Run for the Giraffes at the Kansas City Zoo with my old running partner, Michelle. I honestly wasn't sure if I'd be able to make the four miles without being in great pain by the end of it. However, my knee did well and everything felt normal. It took us 1:20 to finish, but we enjoyed the leisurely race that goes through the entire zoo. Plus, I got a really fun medal with a giraffe on it.

The consequence of today was proof that my body is truly ready to start moving again. I still plan to mainly do swimming, but I also plan to add walking into the mix. And...I have three four-mile races that I need to catch up on and register my time.

At the beginning of the year I signed up for the KC Sweet 16. This consists of four four-mile races: Westport St. Patrick's Day Run, Trolley Run, Four on the 4th and the Zoo Run. The first three I was unable to do because of my knee. I was able to collect my bib and swag ahead of time, but I am expected to complete the three I couldn't run on my own and register my time. As a reward for doing all four races I got a pretty sweet full-sized microfiber towel with the KC Sweet 16 logo on it. I want to make sure I've truly earned that towel and the medals from the other races. So, now that I know I can go four miles without being in pain I should be able to knock those out in the next month or so.

I'm excited to be back at the point I am. I know I have a long ways to go. I do have goals to work toward, however: 2019 KC Sweet 16 and the 2019 triathlon season. I'd also like to do a half marathon in 2020. I've finally admitted to myself that I probably have aged out (more mentally than physically) of doing another full marathon.

Now that I'm moving you can expect more frequent posting. Happy swimming, everyone!

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