Saturday, April 21, 2018

Time to Get Over Myself

I finally stopped feeling sorry for myself and decided it was time to get into the pool. I still can't run or bike, but there is nothing stopping me from swimming - except my own attitude.

We've just joined a new gym (although, we were members there the last time we lived in KC). It's not a fancy facility (it's connected to a hospital and does a lot of PT), but it has everything you need in a gym - including a great lap-swimming pool. Pools can be rarities in gyms and so I find it to be golden when you are able to join a gym that has one.

I've been swimming twice this week. Both times I swam 500 yards. The first time I stopped twice to catch my breath (although I think it was more mental than physical). The second time I swam without stopping and my time was 12:08. It's good to have a baseline to go off of as I build up my distance, endurance and fitness level.

On top of the swimming, I am still doing the 100 push-up challenge. I've had to restart it a few times, but I'm into week three and determined not to stop this time. I'm still doing modified push-ups using the arm of our couch, but I can tell I'm really using my muscles and getting some good strength training in there.

Finally, the PT for my knee (knees) has really ramped up. I'm supposed to do it twice a day (it takes about 25 minutes each time). However, I've only been doing it once a day this week because my legs and knees are so sore from the exercises. I can tell it's developed now into a real strength training routine and not just some easy PT exercises.

So, between PT, push-ups and swimming I have really been working my body this week. There isn't any noticeable change, but I can certainly feel a whole lot of my muscles groups being worked.

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