Friday, May 5, 2017

Oh, my crotch!

I did a three mile bike ride today. I'm still proud of myself for not crashing, yet...or getting a flat tire.

I'm at the uncomfortable in between time when I've been biking long enough that my crotch is sore, but I haven't biked enough to get my crotch used to time in the saddle and build up a little toughness. The actual words that came out of my mouth when I pulled up at the house and "hopped" off my bike were, "Oh, my crotch." Not said with an exclamation point, but with a hint of self-pity.

If I had a better saddle that might help. I'm sure there are some other upgrades I could do to my bike, too, that would make riding easier. In my ideal world I'd have a tri-bike, but they are $2000 on the low end.

Sunday, I'm going biking with my friend, Trish, and I'm hoping I can pick up some tips from her. If I could invest in two things I think they would be a better saddle and clips for my pedals. It will be interesting to see what Trish's bike is like and how it rides.

I'm open to tips and opinions from other bikers out there.

I also learned that purple Powerade Zero does not taste good after a chocolate coconut milk protein shake.


  1. I'll ride with you, if you like. I've no fancy gear, but I do consider biking to be a legit form of transportation.

  2. I'd love to ride with you sometime, Rosie. Just a warning, you will leave me in the dust. I can hardly make it three miles in my neighborhood with gently rolling do HILLS!
