Monday, May 8, 2017

What a Difference PSI Makes

Today was a biking day. Three miles. It's still a bit of a challenge for me, but my next ride I go up to four miles. So, it's time to suck it up and make things happen. It is so true that a lot of endurance sports is a mind game. Your body is yelling (sometimes screaming) at you to stop and you mind has to take control and tell your body to be quiet and keep going. That you have more in yourself. But, that's a post of another day.

I've been having an issue with getting the PSI in my front tire high enough. For days I haven't been able to get it to inflate all the way. I wasn't riding on a flat tire, but I was definitely riding on a very low tire. Before each ride I check my tires and today I was determined to figure out what was going on with my front tire. After trying several things I used a little attachment that goes on the tire valve. After screwing it on I used the secondary line on my pump and after several pushes I finally got my tire inflated to somewhere between 100-120 PSI. I was giddy with happiness.

Wow! What a HUGE difference in my ride now that my tires were inflated properly. I didn't feel like I was working as hard even though I believe I had more hills and I shaved off a crazy amount of time. With the deflated tire I was averaging a little over 7 mph. Today, for 3.1 miles I averaged 9.4 mph. Today was a very good reminder of how important it is to have my tires inflated properly.

Then, for some "cross training" I mowed the yard.

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